October is Respect Life month, and each year the Diocese of Superior’s Respect Life Office hosts a diocesanwide event that highlights aspects of its all-encompassing respect for life initiatives.
The 2022 Gathering for Life will take place on Saturday, Oct. 22, at St. Patrick in Hudson. This year’s theme is “adoption,” an action St. Pope John Paul II called “A great work of love … a true exchange of gifts,” a relationship through which much is given but also much received.
Beginning with a 10 a.m. Mass celebrated by Bishop James P. Powers, the day’s schedule includes two keynote addresses with lunch in between. The day will end with a Holy Hour and rosary at 2 p.m.
Speakers include the Diocese of Superior’s own Chris Hurtubise, father of four, whose first child was welcomed through adoption, as well as Melissa Bowe and Lydia Deering from the Wisconsin Adoption and Permanency Support Program, part of the Diocese of La Crosse’s Catholic Charities Adoption Agency.
Read the rest of this news story on The Superior Catholic Herald (official publication of the Diocese of Superior) website here...