John Henry Cardinal Newman wrote, taught, and preached in the 19th century and spent many of his early years at Oxford. After being raised in the Anglican Church and moving through a complex spiritual quest, he decided to become Catholic at age 42. He was ordained a priest four years later and served the Catholic Church with distinction as a prominent theologian. Cardinal Newman was beatified by Pope Benedict XVI on September 19, 2010 and canonized by Pope Francis on October 13, 2019. Newman believed that in a university setting, theology should hold a prominent place alongside the liberal sciences. Only a union of the two, he believed, would lead to wholeness of knowledge. True faith relies on intellectual arguments, and full understanding of the arts and sciences requires a study of their Creator.
The Newman Catholic Campus Ministry is steeped in the Catholic tradition and strives to provide prayer, faith formation, service and social opportunities for college students, faculty, and young adults in colleges throughout the United States. The ministry welcomes people of all faith backgrounds.
Two Newman Centers are located within the Diocese of Superior:
University of WI - River Falls: St. Thomas More Newman Center
University of WI - Superior: Newman Catholic Campus Ministry