Continuing Formation is the hours of additional religious education needed to maintain a level of certification. All individuals who have reached their required level of certification are to continue to participate in adult formation events leading to the renewal of their certificate.
Number of Hours Needed
The number of Continuing Formation hours needed is based on the role an individual fills within a Catholic school or parish religious education structure
Catechetical Leaders – After achieving Elevated certification, 45 clock hours or 3 semester credits in religious studies or related field is required every five years.
School Catechists – After achieving Elevated certification, 15 clock hours or 1 semester credit in religious studies or related field is required every five years.
Religious Education Catechist AND Teachers – After achieving Foundational certification, 15 clock hours or 1 semester credit in religious studies or related field is required every five years.
What Can Be Used for Continuing Formation Hours
The overriding requirements for all Continuing Formation hours are:
*These lists are not all-inclusive. Please contact the Department of Catholic Formation to determine whether a specific event may be used for Continuing Formation hours.