GOAL: That the youth understand and integrate Jesus’ moral vision into their lives as his disciples
The youth will learn how to:
Examine personal decisions and behavior in the light of the moral norms taught by Jesus and the Church GDC #85} {CCC: 1454]
Apply the parable of the Prodigal Son to their own lives and relationship to God [CCC: 1439]
Enter into the celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation in a more mature way and identify personal practices of penance [CCC: 1450-1460]
Explain the Beatitudes and their key moral implications (Matthew 5:3-10) (Luke 6:20-26) {GDC #103} [CCC: 1726-1729]
Evaluate and form the personal choices faced in daily life according to the moral norms taught by Jesus and the Church {GDC #104} [CC: 1804-1809]
Identify forms on injustice, oppression and violence in today’s society and take practical steps to address them {GDC #104} [CCC: 1965-1974]
Promote forgiveness and healing in one’s family and among peers [CCC: 1430, 1435]
Name and explain the following traditional penitential practices and devotions of the Church: Fasting, Abstinence, Stations of the Cross, Almsgiving [CCC: 1434-1439, 1969, 2669]
Take a more active role in the parish’s efforts to care for the poor, the sick, the needy {GDC # 183} [CCC: 1965-1974]
Exercise and promote a greater spirit of hospitality in the parish, especially to those who are often ignored, discriminated against or marginalized in our society today {GDC # 183} [CCC: 1971]
Participate in the Church’s celebrations of Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Vigil (Triduum) [CCC: 619-623, 1323]
Continue to develop various forms of prayer {GDC # 85} [CCC: 2686-2690]
The youth will understand:
The dignity of the human person [CCC: 1, 219, 458, 1934]
The nature and need for ongoing conversion {GDC #53-57} [CCC: 1428, 1432, 1439]
The nature and role of the Sacrament of Reconciliation in the life of the disciple and relationship to ongoing conversion [CCC: 1425-1460]
The moral implications of the passages from the Sermon on the Mount: Matthew 5:13-16 [CCC: 782]; Matthew 5:21-24 [CCC: 2262, 2302 -2303]; Matthew 5:27-30 [CCC: 2336, 2380, 2382]; Matthew 5:38 -42 [CCC: 2443-2449]; Matthew 5:43-48 [CCC: 1933, 2053-2055]; Matthew 6:19-21 [CCC: 2729]; Matthew 6:24-34 [CCC: 2113, 2547, 2830-2831]; Matthew 7:1-5 [CCC: 678]
The moral implications contained in the story of the Last Judgment found in Matthew 25:31-46 [CCC: 544, 1033, 1470, 2447-2449, 2843]
The nature of personal or social or collective sin in the light of the moral teaching of Jesus and the Church {GDC #85} [CCC: 386-387, 408, 598, 953, 1869, 1886-1889]
The moral examples of the saints and contemporary people of faith {GDC #109} [CCC: 828, 945, 2030]
The meaning and purpose of human sexuality as revealed in scripture and Church teaching [CCC: 2331-2336, 2360-2367]
That aspect of the Church’s mission which promotes God’s reign through works of justice and peace {GDC # 85} [CCC: 849-858, 1805-1809, 2044 -2046, 2419-2425]
The meaning , value and traditional symbols of the Lenten season as a time set aside by the Church for personal and communal conversion [CCC: 1163, 1169]
Youth will have the opportunity to:
Participate with adult mentors of the parish in various social and service projects
Participate in a youth retreat
Experience various forms of the celebration of reconciliation, personal and communal
Continue to assume various roles on the parish liturgy: servers, readers, ushers, hospitality, music, planning the environment
Address social injustices in society such as poverty, sexism, racism, and unfair labor practices
Parents/Guardians are asked to:
Participate with your son/daughter in the Church’s celebrations of Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Vigil
Participate in the celebration of the Eucharist with your son/daughter on weekends and holy days of obligation
Participate with your son/daughter in a parish reconciliation service
Encourage participation in individual and family Lenten practices