The Human Resources Office provides services for all areas related to employment in the Diocese of Superior. We assist other departments, parishes and schools in hiring/terminating employees, developing job descriptions, managing job performance, and administering employee benefits.
The Diocese of Superior is also committed to a safe environment for our children by working with parishes and schools in regards to the background screening process and providing policies and procedures to assure that all employees and volunteers are trained in the diocese’s Safe Environment Program.
FOR DIOCESAN EMPLOYEES: All Forms are password protected as of March 1, 2018. Click Employee Resources (RIGHT or in Menu on Mobile) to access. You can also access Employee Resources at the bottom of every site page - Employees button. Contact your Business Manager / Parish Bookkeeper or Cindy Gronski for the password.
FOR VOLUNTEERS: All Forms are password protected as of July 20, 2023. Click Volunteer Resources (RIGHT or in Menu on Mobile) to access. Contact your Business Manager / Parish Bookkeeper or Cindy Gronski for the password.