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Annunciation Luke 1:26-38 |
Mary says "yes" to the Angel who says to her: "Fear not . . . you shall conceive in your womb, and give birth to a Son." PRO-LIFE INTENTION: For parents facing an unexpected pregnancy, that they lovingly accept the precious life God has entrusted to their care. |
Our "yes" to living out our baptismal promises. |
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Visitation Luke 1:39-56 |
Mary shares her joy with Elizabeth who exclaims: "Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb." PRO-LIFE INTENTION: That the family and friends of expectant parents might reach out and support them as they prepare to meet their child face to face. |
We share our joy with others |
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Nativity Luke 2:1-20 |
Mary is told that there is no room in the inn, but still gives birth to Jesus in joy. Jesus enters the world in poverty to teach the lesson of detachment from earthly things. PRO-LIFE INTENTION: That the love of the Blessed Mother and the Christ Child may be a source of strength for every expectant mother, especially mothers living in poverty, and that they both will be surrounded by joy and love. |
We are told that our culture does not want to hear the gospel message, and that we are wasting away our lives, but we still find a way to proclaim it and be joyful doing so. |
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Presentation Luke 2:22-40 |
Mary listens to Simeon who says that this Child is the Messiah and that He is destined to be the downfall and rise of many in Israel, a sign that will be opposed." PRO-LIFE INTENTION: That fathers of young children will model St. Joseph in devoutly practicing their faith, so that they lead their children to God by their words and example. |
We should speak the truth to family and friends about Jesus. |
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Finding Jesus in the Temple Luke 2:41-52 |
Mary finds the lost Jesus after searching for him. He says, "Why did you search for me? Did you not know that I must be about my Father's business?" PRO-LIFE INTENTION: For all children who have been lost and forgotten, that they may be led to a place where they are treasured, protected and loved. |
If we search for Jesus, we will discover Jesus making an impact in our world and in our lives |