From The Superior Catholic Herald...
An ambiance of joyous solemnity, along with many hundreds of worshippers, filled the Cathedral of Christ the King, Superior, on the Feast of Pentecost.
Facing a cathedral overflowing with dozens of priests – both those serving in the Diocese of Superior and visiting – and deacons behind him on the altar, Bishop James P. Powers welcomed all attending the Sunday, May 28, Mass to ordain three new diocesan priests.
“How wonderful it is to have each and every one of you gathered here this day,” he said. “I think it’s safe to say that this Pentecost, I think the Spirit is alive and well here in Superior.”
The bishop then addressed the subjects of the celebration: “Dcns. Isaiah Schick, Julian Druffner and Dan Tracy, thank you for your ‘yes.’ Thank you for being the reason for this beautiful celebration.”
Read the rest of this news story on The Superior Catholic Herald (official publication of the Diocese of Superior) website here...