1. The bishop is highly respected and recognized as our diocesan leader.
2. Seventy-one (71) parishes have at least one commissioned lay outreach minister.
3. Seventy-five (75) parishes have regularly scheduled devotional practices. Forty-two (42) parishes have devotions scheduled at least weekly.
4. Sixty-five (65) parishes assist the poor on a regular basis; nearly all parishes support the poor at some level.
5. Nearly all parishes support the right to life. Twenty-eight (28) parishes have a “Right to Life” committee.
6. Eighty-one (81) parishes have Pastoral Councils that comply with diocesan guidelines.
7. Seventy-four (74) parishes have Finance Councils that comply with diocesan guidelines.
8. Sixty-three (63) parishes have a Liturgy Committee that meets regularly.
9. Seventy-four (74) parishes plan liturgies to reflect the theme and purpose of each Liturgical Season: Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, and Ordinary Time.
10. Ninety-two (92) parishes have an active music ministry which includes appropriate hymns and singing the Responsorial Psalm on Sunday and Holy Day Liturgies.
11. All parishes have lay participation in Liturgy as extra-ordinary Eucharistic ministers and readers; seven parishes do not have altar servers.
12. Ninety-six (96) parishes have at least one deacon or Lay Leader of Prayer who is qualified to lead a “Sunday Celebration in the Absence of a Priest”.
13. Eighty-nine (89) parishes utilize the RCIA program at least occasionally. Twenty-two (22) have trained team members, include the appropriate rites in Sunday Liturgies, and include Mystagogy in the program.
14. Forty-four (44) parishes offer the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick as a communal celebration.
15. Seventy-six (76) parishes deliver Holy Communion to the sick and home-bound on a weekly schedule.
16. Eighty (80) parishes have a Parish Catechetical Leader who has met diocesan qualifications for Catechetical Certification. Forty-six (46) parishes have a Parish Catechetical Leader who has met diocesan qualifications for Advanced Catechetical Certification.
17. In ninety-six (96) parishes, the sacramental formation programs comply with diocesan policy. Five (5) parishes do not have a catechetical formation program. In two parishes, the formation program does not comply with diocesan policy. Fifty-eight (58) parishes offer opportunities for parish youth to participate in a youth ministry program.
18. In eighty-nine (89) parishes, the curriculum meets diocesan guidelines. In thirty-one (31) parishes, catechists are provided with curriculum components specific for their grade, and parents are provided with the curriculum components specific for their child.
19. Fifty-nine (59) parishes have a plan for a comprehensive religious education program. Twelve (12) parishes incorporate the guidelines found in the National Directory for Catechesis. Forty-six (46) parishes evaluate the program and personnel annually.
20. Seventy-four (74) parishes provide a subscription of the Catholic Herald to the households of registered parish members.
21. All parishes report that they are current on their liabilities. The status of parish DSA liability was not verified in the diocesan response.
22. Eighty-nine (89) parishes have no long-term debt or their debt does not interfere with the mission of the parish.
23. Thirty-four (34) parishes report holding unrestricted cash reserves greater than 50% of the previous year’s operating budget.